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Monday 27 July 2020

Bonilla ............... used in Military Romance Scams

Bonilla used in Military Romance Scams


  1. I got added by the poser he goes by the name Eric Henry Bonilla. He then told me to go to hangouts and he sent me his email
    But I felt it was fake so I just asked questions and he sent me pictures and videos of bonilla and his daughter. He states his mom is dead . the dad left them and he has a brother stationed elsewhere. His baby momma is nowhere to be found and that the us cares for the little girl. I kept asking where he got the pics and who the guy was but they always say babe its me. Said he was in herat and will be going to Kabul. I just wanted to know who the soldier is. I think he is cute . all I got was j.p Bonilla .

  2. Tried to hook me also but I didn't bite.

    1. Hundreds of scammer teams use hthis man so good they didn't get you
